From March 2013 onwards the summary of the debt limit auctions is being disseminated on the websites of BSE and NSE.
Particulars Govt Debt Old Govt Debt LT Corp Debt Old Corp Debt LT TOTAL
Total Available Limit (INR Cr.) 1,919 33,959 3,866 26,925 66,669
Total amount bid for (INR Cr.) 2,232 36,667 4,294 34,984 78,177
Total amount allocated (INR Cr.) 1,919 33,959 3,866 26,925 66,669
Amount left after auction (INR Cr.) 0 0 0 0
Percentage allocated 100% 100% 100% 100%
Total no. of successful bids 9 49 21 43 122
Total no. of bids 10 50 22 49 131
Highest bid in bps 1.5 2 2.1 2
Lowest successful bid in bps 1 0.0281 0.2 0.38
Fee Amount (INR) 2,379,110 16,447,010 5,845,398 23,283,655 47,955,173